Visits and workshops
From elementary school to high school, the cultural mediation service welcomes and accompanies students to discover the museum and the citadel. It offers a varied program of visits and activities related to the collections and temporary exhibitions.

Guided tours and workshops for young people (6-11 years)
A Day at the Museum
Although the museum is located in the center of the island, its visit can represent, for some schools, an important trip. In order to optimize this outing, the cultural mediation team proposes:
A day at the museum in three key moments:
- 10am to 12pm: visit of the permanent collection or the temporary exhibition
Lunch - 1:30 pm: visit of the Citadel (Castellu), a 15th century fortress
- 2 to 4 pm: thematic workshop
- Maximum 30 children.
The workshops
Thread to Thread
From 1st to 5th grade Starting with weaving, the children discover a craft technique, learn the appropriate gestures and terms. The simplified material at their
From 4th to 5th grade Monuments, language and daily life : three themes that the children have to illustrate with current documents in order to
The curiosity box
From 2nd to 5th grade Through the raw discovery of the territory by rocks, minerals, natural materials diverted by man and the classification of objects
Around the fucone
From 3rd to 5th grade The fucone is the symbol of family life. Element of comfort, hospitality, conviviality, it gave rhythm to the life and
Guided tours for middle and high schools
The visits adapted to the public of the colleges and high schools are articulated around three axes:
- the permanent collections: discovering the “Doazan gallery” and the “museum in the making” gallery. These visits can be done in a thematic way (Craft industry and traditional know-how, The space of the shepherd, Industrial Corsica, The revival of the brotherhoods,… Duration 1h30
the temporary - exhibition: associated with the annual theme, educational materials illustrate the course. Duration 1h30
the visit of the 15th century citadel site. This visit can be coupled with one of the previous proposals. Duration 30 minutes
Young audience
For more information about the tours and workshops, please contact :
- Jeanne Luciani-Sindali, mediator for young audiences.
Phone: 04 95 45 26 02
Free for school children.
Reservation required (at least three weeks in advance).
Colleges and high schools
To help you prepare your visit, obtain information on the exhibitions and related activities, contact
- Cécile Liberatore
Phone: 04 95 45 26 06
Free for school children
Reservation required (at least three weeks in advance)
Possibility of visit in Corsican language and in Italian.