E cullezzione
The collections
The museum of Corsica opened its doors in 1997 thanks to the deposit by the State of the ethnographic collection of Reverend Father Louis Doazan (1925-2018). In 2020, this collection was transferred to the Collectivity of Corsica which is today the owner. The initial collection of the museum has since been enriched by collections of paintings, graphic arts and old photographs, by a heritage library and by sound collections. You can discover some of these collections in the permanent galleries and during temporary exhibitions.

Ethnographic collections
The Museum of Corsica is the resource institution for the ethnography of Corsica between the end of the 19th century and the 1970s.
Corsican painters and Corsica
The sound library preserves the sound memory of Corsica and diffuses it to the public.

The enrichment of collections is one of the missions of a museum. New acquisitions, whether free of charge or for a fee, are above all linked to the institution’s scientific and cultural program. They allow us to enrich the existing collections and to open new perspectives thanks to temporary exhibitions.

Conservation is a set of measures to preserve works of art from deterioration in order to pass them on to future generations.
A museum may have to restore pieces of its collection or works lent for temporary exhibitions.