Finished exhibitions
Industrial Corsica 1830 – 1960
…Memory revealed, Matter transformed This exhibition dedicated to the industrial history of Corsica invites us to a journey through time. For nearly a century, the exploitation of wood, the development of mines and quarries, the...
Industrial Relics
Photographs by Tomas Heuer Through a selection of 30 photographs taken on different industrial wastelands in Corsica, Tomas Heuer shows the action of time on human achievements. Tomas Heuer was commissioned by the Museum of...
L’Umana Ambizione + Our Century
Photographs : Jean-André BERTOZZI / Video installation : Leonardo BOSCANI L’UMANA AMBIZIONE From 2002 to 2005, Jean-André Bertozzi and Leonardo Boscani went to meet the last living people of the First World War in Corsica...
A citadella di Corti – A citadel for horizon
Spotlight on the citadel, symbol of the city, the only one located in the interior of the island! In accordance with government directives to fight the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Museum of Corsica...
In Terra d’Omi
A photographic exhibition by Armand Luciani As an introduction to the new itinerary, this photographic tour weaves the link from the inside to the outside and reveals the immortality of the Citadel of Corti in...
Behind the walls
Exhibition for young people (6-11 years old) For 600 years, the medieval castle has watched over the city. The exhibition Behind the Walls tells the story of a stronghold that was created, dreamed of and...
E Figure di a Corsica. Symbols, emblems and allegories
EXTENSION of the exhibition until August 31, 2019 Due to its success, the exhibition “E Figure di a Corsica. Symbols, emblems and allegories” currently presented at the Museum of Corsica, is extended until August 31,...
Palazzi di l’Americani. The palaces of the American Corsicans
Curator of the exhibition: Mr. Michel-Edouard Nigaglioni, former Director of Heritage of the city of Bastia. Jean-Christophe Liccia, former president of the Association of historical research Petre Scritte and founder of the magazine A Cronica....
U Patrimoniu vivu. Esse è trasmette – The living heritage. To be and to transmit
Festivals, skills, knowledge of nature and the universe We all remember music, songs and dances, tales, games and festivals, remedies and techniques inherited from our ancestors and to which we still refer, adapting them to...
The Corsicans and the Great War
On the occasion of the Centenary, the museum of Corsica presents an exhibition dedicated to the Corsicans and the Great War. This event highlights this conflict which marks a turning point in the contemporary European...
Corsica and music. Between tradition and modernity
The Museum of Corsica proposes, through the presentation of musical, filmic, plastic and literary works from the 19th to the 21st century, an exhibition dedicated to the multiple realities that associate Corsica and music. Put...
Sports in Corsica, mirror of a society
Sport in Corsica, spechju d’una società Nearly 350 objects and documents are presented (racing cars, photographs, sports jerseys, press articles, videos, etc.)… The exhibition “Sports in Corsica” allows us to look back on more than...
Mare Nostrum
The Corsicans and the sea From 2nd July 2011 to 31st March 2012 “Corsica is a mountain in the sea… This representation which denotes the territory first by the mountain marks the collective imagination. However,...
The brotherhoods of Corsica
An ideal society in the Mediterranean The museum of Corsica organizes from July 11 to December 30, 2010, a temporary exhibition devoted to the brotherhoods of penitents in Corsica put in perspective with the brotherhood...
Mare Nostrum
The Corsicans and the sea From 02 July 2011 to 31 March 2012 “Corsica is a mountain in the sea… This representation which denotes the territory first by the mountain marks the collective imagination. However,...
Napoleon and Corsica
… from Ajaccio to the Empire For the first time, an exhibition deals with the often ambiguous and changing relationship that Napoleon maintained throughout his life with his native Corsica and his fellow citizens. The...
Corsica – Sardegna
Two islands in mirror We had to wait until recent years, with the establishment of European programs (INTERREG), the status of autonomy given to Sardinia at the end of the Second World War and the...
Pasquale de Paoli (1725-1807)
Corsica in the heart of the Europe of the Enlightenment. This exhibition was organized on the occasion of the bicentenary of the death of Pasquale de’Paoli, head of state, humanist and general, celebrated by the...
Corsica and Tourism from 1755 to 1960
“Traveling in Corsica, from the Enlightenment to the rush of the 60s The bias of the exhibition is to plunge us first of all directly into the heart of the subject by painting a portrait...
A Testa mora. Headliner
A pedagogical and interactive space dedicated to the young public (6-11 years old) A space dedicated to the young public (6-11 years old) allows to sensitize the visitor to the theme of the temporary exhibition...
The Americani. The Corsicans of America
Path for young visitors (6-11 years old) A space dedicated to young people (6-11 years old) allows the visitor to become aware of the theme of the temporary exhibition devoted to the palaces of the...
Special Intangible Cultural Heritage
This tour for young people, where local and world cultures meet, is offered as a way to raise awareness before visiting the exhibition Living Heritage. To be and to transmit. CULTURAL HERITAGE As a preamble...
Île était une fois…
A space dedicated to the young public (6-11 years old) whose adapted scenography makes it possible to sensitize the young visitor to the topic of the temporary exhibition by approaching the subject under an educational...
In the heart of the trenches
Route intended for the young public (6-11 years) This tour intended for young people is offered as a way to raise awareness to the visit of the exhibition The Corsicans and the Great War. How...
Music, a story to share
Exhibition intended for the young public (6-11 years) It is a course intended to sensitize the young public to the topic of the exhibition Corsica and the music. Manipulations, listening and games allow them :...
Sport on stage
Exhibition dedicated to the young public (6-11 years) In parallel to the temporary exhibition Sports in Corsica, mirror of a society, the cultural mediation service of the museum of Corsica proposes a space dedicated to...
The Secret of a Wreck
Exhibition for young people The story of a wreck always begins with a shipwreck, so before the wreck there was life on board. One of the missions of museums is to make their collections accessible...
The brotherhood of the Earth
In parallel to the exhibition The brotherhoods of Corsica. An ideal society in the Mediterranean, the cultural mediation service of the Museum of Corsica proposes an exhibition dedicated to young people: The Brotherhood of the...
In the space intended for the young public Napolissons approaches the subject under an interactive and ludic angle. NAPOLISSONS is an exhibition conceived in the form of a giant game of 7 families. Combining fun...
The Sardinian investigation
A thief tried to steal a work representing Sardinia from the exhibition. Surprised by the alarm system, he was unable to accomplish his misdeed. Instead, he left a mess in the museum by mixing Sardinian...
Pasquale de’Paoli
This interactive exhibition sets the stage for young visitors to encounter Pasquale de’Paoli. A journey in six stages takes children from the unlikely echoes they have heard about Paoli to the mythical figure he has...
Tourism, Instructions for use
A playful exhibition that allows visitors to understand the evolution of tourism from the 18th to the 21st century, the variety of fields affected by this industry and to reflect on a tourism of the...
The time of industry
In this exhibition, observations, manipulations and games allow children to approach the theme of industrialization, in order to understand the upheavals induced by technical inventions in the functioning of a society, to know the natural...
The Corsican headband
Una stallazione munumentale di Gabriel Diana Monumental installation by Gabriel Diana Biography of Gabriel Diana : Born in Orbetello in 1942, Gabriel Diana had a difficult childhood and a life shifted between France and Italy....
U sognu, u spechju, a bandera
Una mostra futugrafica di Antoine Giacomoni A photographic exhibition by Antoine Giacomoni Scenography : Scenographic design CREAB DESIGN Project manager – designer HERVE AMIEL in collaboration with JEAN-MARC BLANC scenographer – executive production Realization :...
Palaces of memory
Contemporary views on the houses of the American Corsicans Photographic narratives by Jean-André Bertozzi and Sylvia Cagninacci-Eskenazi Most of the houses of Americans propose to the walker closed gates and closed shutters. To whom do...
Deux temps, trois mouvements
The art project Deux temps, trois mouvements articulates different exhibitions in the outdoor spaces of the Museum to explore the dynamics at work in the evolution of our landscapes. Art and nature, precious things These...
Corsica Grana
Find in Corte, the evocation of the logo of the brand “Corsica Grana” composed of labeled plants. Six species are put in situation in the case of the citadel in the Museum of Corsica. ©...
Marcè Lepidi Acquaviva, a visual artist originally from Corté, lives and creates in Zilia, a small village in the Balagne region. His popular works mix cultural and traditional Corsican references with images of pop art....
Of Corse! Registered trademark
As a counterpoint to the temporary exhibition “Living Heritage, Being and Passing on”, the Museum of Corsica offers an original and unusual variation on the theme of intangible cultural heritage. Of Corsica! Trademark is a...
Stéphane DEGUILHEN – Sculptural works
Presentation of 5 sculptural works in bronze With a scientific background, Stéphane Deguilhen began his career as a physics and chemistry teacher in the French National Education system. Convinced that his vocation was in the...
At the crossroads of the labyrinth
Artistic installation in the gardens of the citadel on the theme of insularity by Laetitia Carlotti & the association Arterra. Creation of a vegetal labyrinth of 14 m on 24 inspired by the shape of...
Photographs by Christian Buffa The photographer Christian Buffa proposes the Napoleonic section of his work on identity. The photographic section of the Napoleon and Corsica exhibition is based on the images of Christian Buffa who...
1898, Matisse in Corsica, “a wonderful country”
Exhibition organized by the Collectivity of CorsicaThe exhibition event of the summer at the Museum of Corsica in Corti has for theme the stay of Matisse in Corsica in 1898. In six months, Matisse painted...
Artistic realizations by the students of the CPES-CAAP of the high school Georges Clemenceau of Sartè The CPES-CAAP of the Georges Clemenceau high school of Sartè, is a class of deepening in plastic arts (CAAP)...
Young visitors’ trail (6-11 years)
1898, Matisse in Corsica, “a wonderful country” Within the exhibition, there is a dedicated route for young people and families. With the help of a tablet, visitors can discover the exhibition in several stages.Guided by...
Trà mare è monti. Architettura è patrimoniu Exhibition organized by the Collectivité de Corse Presentation of two works from the collection of FRAC CORSICA FRAC Corsica joins forces with the museum of Corsica for its...
Trà mare è monti. Architettura è patrimoniu
Exhibition organized by the Collectivité de Corse Curator and scientific responsibility : Pierre-Jean Campocasso, directeur du patrimoine de la Collectivité de CorseSébastien Celeri, architecte du patrimoine, chef du service de la conservation/restauration, direction du patrimoine,...
Cartografia, Corsica in Maps 1520-1900
Exhibition organized by the Collectivité de Corse.
From 29 july 2023 to 31 january 2024

Cultural programming
Discover all the cultural news of the Museum of Corsica, concerts, conferences, animations…
MIM - Museu in mossa
The MiM museum bus was born from the desire to reach out to children in the area.
In 2022, U Museu in Mossa will be on the road!

Estru paisanu
Valorize and restore in situ the collected sound heritage, in order to share this collective memory during a listening session.