Items of the month

Naturalized eagle
The white-tailed eagle is a large-scale migratory bird of prey of the family Accipitridae, which is associated with the aquatic environment of Europe. In flight

The mouflon – “A muvra
The Corsican mouflon initially named “Ovis ammon musimon” is since 1991 called “Ovis gmelini musimon”. It is considered today that there are 3 varieties: the

A radassier
Originally, the term radassier comes from the Provencal verb “radassier” which means to chat. This type of sofa, composed of 3 or 4 straw seats,

Pierre Bach
Born in Toul in 1906, Pierre Bach discovered Corsica in 1929 and it was the mountain village of Asco that marked him forever. During an