In parallel to the exhibition The brotherhoods of Corsica. An ideal society in the Mediterranean, the cultural mediation service of the Museum of Corsica proposes an exhibition dedicated to young people: The Brotherhood of the Earth.
The aim of this approach is to make children aware of the theme of the temporary exhibition by providing them with keys to reading in a relationship of pleasure. They will thus be able to approach the adult exhibition with confidence and discover the original objects, which is one of the missions of a museum.
A variety of manipulations, observations and games allow them to understand what the commitment of a brotherhood is, through which actions they express themselves while addressing the theme of the construction of an ideal society and of a citizen commitment.
The subject is voluntarily treated under the ethical angle, in order to widen the subject and to make it more universal. The brotherhood will be treated as an example of a close-knit community, a place of social and civic engagement in search of a better world, whose members organize values among themselves in the form of a system.
In order to make the theme more dynamic, the choice was made to create a brotherhood with solidary and sustainable objectives in which the children will be able to recognize themselves, get involved with curiosity and imagination and feel like actors of change in a contemporary context.
The scenographic concept, inspired by slow design, supports the discourse with examples and good practices highlighted in the course. A way of awakening the imagination of the young public to the use of recycled materials.

Four stages punctuate the journey that leads to the creation of the Brotherhood of the Earth:
The brotherhoods: gathering without looking alike
A game of re-enactment allows children to gather the common elements of each brotherhood, whether it is Catholic or Muslim, of trade, gastronomy or video multiplayer. Discovering this diversity allows them to ask the question, “What brotherhood can we create for tomorrow? “
The challenges of the 21st century
This is the place for decisions. Social choices are proposed through values such as solidarity, tolerance, respect for the environment, and consumption patterns.
The children will decide on the challenges they wish to take up through the brotherhood they will create in the next stage.
The actions
The construction of the bridge of solidarity, the card game of differences, the labyrinth of small green gestures and the mikado of smart consumption present a panel of actions intended to inspire the children to act.
Recycled art proposes a reflection on our modes of consumption by reusing a material through recycling, recovery and revalorization to give it a new life. The members of the new brotherhood are called upon to create their banner in the manner of recycl’art.