
Artistic realizations by the students of the CPES-CAAP of the high school Georges Clemenceau of Sartè

The CPES-CAAP of the Georges Clemenceau high school of Sartè, is a class of deepening in plastic arts (CAAP) created in 2013, allowing the baccalaureate students to prepare themselves to the contest of the big schools of arts, after one year of training.
This preparatory class has organized meetings and workshops with Ange Leccia, Jean Laurent Albertini, Tony Casalonga, or Agnès Accorsi, actions in partnership with the Directorate of Heritage of the Collectivity of Corsica, presentations at the Museum of Prehistory of Sartè, workshops at the Fesch Museum – Palace of Fine Arts and in the Diamond space of Aiacciu …
The CPES of Sartè welcomed in December 2014, then in October 2017, second and third year students of the National School of Visual Art of La Cambre in Brussels, one of the most prestigious schools in Europe, as well as Johan Muyle, artist and head of the sculpture orientation at ENSAV La Cambre, in the framework of workshops.

In this perspective, the students of the class of 2020-2021 have been invited to question the path of Henri Matisse in Corsica, and more broadly on the whole of his work. They have thus reappropriated certain questions related to the landscape, light, painting and the motif in order to propose realizations in Plastic Arts, as an echo to the work of Matisse.
The students invest the spaces and the architecture of the Museum of Corsica, by proposing a certain number of installations of all kinds, some quoting the works of Henri Matisse, others still by reappropriating questions specific to the painting of the inventor of Fauvism. Sometimes, the spectator is invited to activate the work in order to reappropriate the work and the temporary exhibition proposed by the Museum of Corsica.

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Rializazioni artistichi di i studianti di a CPES-CAAP di u liceu Georges-Clémenceau di Sartè
A CPES-CAAP di u liceu Georges-Clemenceau di Sartè, hè una scola d’apprufundimentu in arti plastichi chì parmetti dopu à u bascigliè di appruntà i cuncorsi di l’alti scoli d’arti, dopu à un annu di furmazioni.  
I studianti di a prumuzioni 2020-2021 sò stati invitati à intarrugassi in quantu à u parcorsu di Matisse in Corsica è al di là nantu à la so opara in ghjinirali. À partasi da riflissioni nantu à u paisaghju, a luci, a pittura, u mudellu, pruponini stallazioni di ogni ghjenaru. Certi mintuvighjani l’opari di Matisse o facini soii intarrugazioni propii di a pittura di u invintori di u fuvisimu, comu par fà ribombu à l’opara di Matisse. 

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